Rose Garden Kids
Rose Garden Kids is much more than just a childcare centre. We’re an extended family where your child will be valued, respected and nurtured. Like the plants of a well-tended garden, our qualified team encourages every child to blossom and grow. From the minute you visit the well-resourced centres you will be welcomed and feel a sense of confidence.
Childcare just like home
Every family-owned and operated Rose Garden Kids centre offers all the love, care and attention of home. Children are welcome for long daycare from 3 months to school age every day of the year (except public holidays). We provide:
4 healthy meals daily
High-quality nappies
3 & 4-year-old Government Funded Kindergarten Programs
A program that responds to the individual needs of children
Healthy character development and the celebration of one another
Rose Garden Kids recognises our responsibility to care for children in their foundation years. The program at Rose Garden Kids focuses on five key areas of early childhood education to ensure a well-balanced program:
Character development
Physical Development
Enhancement of the environment
Cognitive Development
Language Development
We focus on bringing out the best in each child’s character by drawing from the United Nations endorsed Virtues character development program. This innovative program builds self-esteem and promotes behaviour and thinking processes that children will draw on throughout their lives. They will learn to practice such virtues as love, patience and caring too. Children enjoy innovative educational programs in age-based groups that are joyful and exciting. A healthy mix of intellectual, language, fine and gross motor skill development is offered through:
Art and craft
Singing and dancing
Reading, rest and indoor and outdoor play
Rose Garden Kids prepares children for life. We nurture them to live happily together as members of a diverse community. From tiny tots to pre-school, they learn tolerance and understanding of all people and beliefs. Our Unity in Diversity calendar features multicultural and multi-faith events that encourage positive friendships with one and other.
Partnering with families
The welfare of your child is paramount. You know your child best, and Rose Garden Kids looks forward to supporting healthy open partnerships between the centre and home where your contribution is welcomed and heard. Parents are supported to reinforce the Virtues program with special information nights that will provide you with insights into the key strategies of this program. Families are also supported to help create a sense of belonging and unity through active participation in the life of the centre.